Key Features

Exploring WeaveVM key features

Let's explore the key features of WeaveVM:

Centralized Block Producing

WeaveVM achieves enterprise-like performance by centralizing block production while maintaining trustless and decentralized block validation.

However, "centralized" here means anyone with a sufficient amount of WVM tokens meeting the PoS staking threshold, plus the necessary hardware and internet connectivity (super-node, enterprise hardware), can run a node. This approach is inspired by Vitalik Buterin's work in "The Endgame" post.

Block production is centralized, block validation is trustless and highly decentralized, and censorship is still prevented.

These "super nodes" producing WeaveVM network blocks result in a high-performance EVM network.

Large Block Size

Raising the gas limit increases the block size and operations per block, affecting both History growth and State growth (mainly relevant for our point here).

WeaveVM Alphanet V1 has raised the gas limit to 300M gas (doing 300 mg/s), and lowered the gas per byte to 8 bytes (from 16). These changes have resulted in a larger max theoretical block size of 37.5 MB, and consequently, the network data throughput is 37.5 MBps.

This high data throughput can be handled thanks to the approach of centralized block production by super nodes and hardware acceleration.

High-Throughput DA

Up until now, there's been no real-world, scalable DA layer ready to handle high data throughput (EigenDA hit 10 MBps in testnet). In WeaveVM Alphanet V1, we've already reached 37.5 MBps with a projection to hit 125 MBps in mainnet.

Parallel Execution

To reduce the gas fees consumed by EVM opcode execution, we're aiming to use a parallel execution EVM client for the Reth node in mainnet.

EVM interface for Arweave Data: Permanent History

WeaveVM uses a set of Reth execution extensions (ExExes) to serialize each block in Borsh, then compress it in Brotli before sending it to Arweave. These computations ensure a cost-efficient, permanent history backup on Arweave. This feature is crucial for other L1s/L2s using WeaveVM for data settling.

In the diagrams below, we show the difference between various compression algorithms applied to Borsh-serialized empty block (zero transactions) and JSON-serialized empty block.

We can see that Borsh serialization combined with Brotli compression gives us the most efficient compression ratio in the data serialization-compression process.

Cost Efficient Data Settling

WeaveVM's hyper computation, supercharged hardware, and interface with Arweave result in significantly cheaper data settlement costs on WeaveVM, which include the Arweave fees to cover the archiving costs.

Even though data is temporary on EigenDA and Celestia (blob-based solutions), WeaveVM still offers a significantly cheaper permanent data solution (calldata).

WeaveVM is L0 for EVM L1s/L2s

As a sovereign rollup, WeaveVM it can be used as either a DA solution or for data settlement (like Ethereum). Since storing data on WeaveVM is very cheap compared to other EVM solutions, the network can be labeled as an L0 for other L1s or L2s.

WeaveVM offers self-DA secured by network economics, another layer of DA secured by AO, and permanent data archive secured by Arweave.

Bidirectional data pipeline with Arweave

The WeaveVM team has developed the first precompiles that achieve a native bidirectional data pipeline with the Arweave network. In other words, with these precompiles (currently supported by WeaveVM testnet), you can read data from Arweave and send data to Arweave trustlessly and natively from a Solidity smart contract. Learn more about WeaveVM precompiles in this section.

Last updated